Curriculum Vitae

Cur­ricu­lum Vitae

Expe­ri­ence Soft­ware Engi­neer­ing Direc­tor — Project Man­ag­er — Busi­ness Ana­lyst — Pro­fes­sion­al Scrum Mas­ter™ I — Cer­ti­fied Scrum Prod­uct Own­er® (CSPO) — ISTQB® Cer­ti­fied Tester on Foun­da­tion Lev­el — ISPMA® Cer­ti­fied Soft­ware Prod­uct Man­ag­er — Cer­ti­fied SAFe® 5 Agilist
I have 17 years of IT expe­ri­ence, 7 years as a Busi­ness Ana­lyst and 10 years as a Project Manager.

I’m work­ing as a Ser­vice Deliv­ery Man­ag­er for our biggest client in Switzer­land, tak­ing full own­er­ship of staffing, deliv­ery, esca­la­tion han­dling, project ramp ups and ramp downs, inter­nal and exter­nal move­ments of staff, coor­di­na­tion with oth­er accounts, over­see­ing 80 EPAMers in cca. 10 projects. For a good four years, I also led the Swiss BA & PM depart­ment help­ing 100+ EPAMers. As a BA & PM pipeline man­ag­er, I was able to fill more than 100 posi­tions, con­duct­ing over 500 tech­ni­cal interviews.

Pre­vi­ous­ly, as a project man­ag­er, I worked on var­i­ous assign­ments, start­ing with being a PM of test­ing teams, con­tin­u­ing to work as a tran­si­tion man­ag­er ramp­ing up a team from 0 to 25, con­tin­u­ing my work there first as PM and then as deliv­ery unit man­ag­er. After­wards, I worked on mul­ti­ple ven­dor tran­si­tions to ramp up teams of 15 to 30 people.

I’m a proud EPAMer since 2010, I got the EPAM Impact (CEO) Award twice (2016, 2018).

Busi­ness domains Invest­ment Bank­ing, Wealth Man­age­ment, Retail Bank­ing, Case and Back­log Man­age­ment, Trav­el Indus­try: Hotel Book­ing, Tal­ent Man­age­ment, Loy­al­ty, Order Management
Spe­cial­ties Project Man­age­ment, Tran­si­tion Man­age­ment, Deliv­ery Man­age­ment, Busi­ness Analy­sis, Agile Method­olo­gies, Require­ments Man­age­ment, Team Coor­di­na­tion, Doc­u­men­ta­tion, Plan­ning, Modelling
01/2023 - Direc­tor, Soft­ware Engi­neer­ing (EPAM Switzerland)
06/2021 — 01/2023 Senior Soft­ware Engi­neer­ing Man­ag­er (EPAM Switzerland)
12/2014 — 06/2021 Project Man­ag­er (EPAM Switzerland)
03/2012 — 12/2014 Senior Busi­ness Ana­lyst (EPAM Switzerland)
01/2012 — 03/2012 Senior Busi­ness Ana­lyst (EPAM Hungary)
03/2010 — 01/2012 Busi­ness Ana­lyst (EPAM Hungary)
06/2008 — 03/2010 Busi­ness Ana­lyst (Shell Hungary)
08/2007 — 04/2008 Process Ana­lyst (IBM Hungary)
2002 — 2007 Budapest Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­nol­o­gy and Eco­nom­ics (BME), Fac­ul­ty of Elec­tri­cal Engi­neer­ing and Infor­mat­ics (VIK)
M.Sc. in Engi­neer­ing Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy / Spe­cial­iza­tion in Inter­net and Info­com­mu­ni­ca­tion Systems
Tech­nol­o­gy skills Java, PHP, XML/XPath, UML, SQL, Water­fall, Scrum, Kan­ban, Test-Dri­ven Devel­op­ment, Accep­tance Test-Dri­ven Devel­op­ment, Behav­ior-Dri­ven Devel­op­ment, Func­tion­al Spec­i­fi­ca­tions, Require­ments Engi­neer­ing, Train­ing and User Materials
Tools Atlass­ian Jira & Con­flu­ence, Ral­ly, Ver­sionOne, MS Office Suite, Axure RP, HP Qual­i­ty Cen­ter, Plan­tUML, SQL Devel­op­er, HermesJMS
2020 Cer­ti­fied SAFe® 5 Agilist
2018 ISPMA Cer­ti­fied Soft­ware Prod­uct Manager
2018 Wealth Man­age­ment Train­ing (2 days, BPP Pro­fes­sion­al Education)
2017 - Mem­ber of Project Man­age­ment Insti­tute (PMI®)
2016 Pro­fes­sion­al Scrum Mas­ter™ I (PSM‑I)
2016 - Mem­ber of
2014 ISTQB® Cer­ti­fied Tester on Foun­da­tion Level
2014 Cer­ti­fied Scrum Prod­uct Own­er® (CSPO)
2013 Devel­op­ing Inno­v­a­tive Ideas for New Com­pa­nies: The First Step in Entrepreneurship
2013 - Mem­ber of Scrum Alliance
2012 Agile Analy­sis Train­ing (2 days, in-house)
2012 Advanced Scrum Train­ing (2 days, in-house)
2010 - Mem­ber of Inter­na­tion­al Insti­tute of Busi­ness Analy­sis (IIBA®)
2009 ESI (Reg­is­tered Edu­ca­tion Provider of PMI®) Busi­ness Ana­lyst course: How to Gath­er and Doc­u­ment User Require­ments based on IIBA® BABOK®, cer­ti­fi­ca­tion from George Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­si­ty, USA
2009 SAP BC400 course for devel­op­ers, project man­agers and con­sul­tants: Intro­duc­tion into SAP devel­op­ment, cer­ti­fi­ca­tion from SAP Labs Hun­gary and EESTEC
2004 — 2006 Rep­re­sen­ta­tive, team leader and vice pres­i­dent of BME VIK Stu­dents’ Union Rep­re­sen­ta­tives Board
2002 Dri­ving license, cat­e­go­ry “B”
Hun­gar­i­an native
Eng­lish flu­ent
Ger­man inter­me­di­ate
bicy­cling, play­ing and watch­ing foot­ball, ski­ing, reading