

EPAM, work­ing for a Swiss glob­al finan­cial ser­vices company
Project role Ser­vice Deliv­ery Manager
Dura­tion Jan­u­ary 2019 -
Par­tic­i­pa­tion I’m enabling EPAM’s activ­i­ties, employ­ees to work and con­tribute on the account. I’m main­tain­ing a good cus­tomer rela­tion­ship, ensur­ing time­ly com­mu­ni­ca­tion with dif­fer­ent stake­hold­ers. I’m dri­ving staffing and growth. I’m also ensur­ing prop­er admin­is­tra­tion. Beside the admin­is­tra­tive tasks, as an SDM I’m respon­si­ble for the staffing process as well as act as a deliv­ery super­vi­sor for all EPAMers (cca. 80 FTE). I also par­tic­i­pate in and orga­nize the gov­er­nance ses­sions with the client.
EPAM, work­ing for a Swiss glob­al finan­cial ser­vices company
Project role Tran­si­tion Manager
Dura­tion May 2018 — Decem­ber 2018
Par­tic­i­pa­tion I worked as the tran­si­tion man­ag­er. My main respon­si­bil­i­ties were staffing and orga­ni­za­tion of the knowl­edge tran­si­tion activ­i­ties. We ramped up a team of cca. 15 EPAMers in two loca­tions to take over the devel­op­ment and main­te­nance of an appli­ca­tion from the pre­vi­ous vendor.
EPAM, work­ing for a Swiss glob­al finan­cial ser­vices company
Project role Tran­si­tion Manager
Dura­tion Jan­u­ary 2018 — August 2018
Par­tic­i­pa­tion I worked as a tran­si­tion man­ag­er from the begin­ning of the engage­ment. I par­tic­i­pat­ed in ramp­ing up the new team (in Zürich and in Sin­ga­pore), as part of that I reviewed cca. 200 CVs and con­duct­ed cca. 100 tech­ni­cal interviews.
EPAM, work­ing for a Swiss glob­al finan­cial ser­vices company
Project role Deliv­ery Manager
Dura­tion March 2017 — Decem­ber 2017
Par­tic­i­pa­tion I worked as a deliv­ery unit man­ag­er. I was respon­si­ble for project and capac­i­ty plan­ning, effort esti­ma­tion, team coor­di­na­tion, inci­dent man­age­ment, stake­hold­er man­age­ment, cost con­trol­ling, staffing, ven­dor man­age­ment, etc.
EPAM, work­ing for a Swiss glob­al finan­cial ser­vices company
Project role Project Man­ag­er
Dura­tion July 2016 — March 2017
Par­tic­i­pa­tion I worked as a project man­ag­er. My main tasks were plan­ning, esti­ma­tion, coor­di­na­tion, inci­dent man­age­ment, tracking.
EPAM, work­ing for a Swiss glob­al finan­cial ser­vices company
Project role Tran­si­tion Manager
Dura­tion August 2015 — June 2016
Par­tic­i­pa­tion I worked as a tran­si­tion man­ag­er being respon­si­ble for the knowl­edge tran­si­tion of busi­ness analy­sis and devel­op­ment. I planned the knowl­edge trans­fer of dif­fer­ent roles for indi­vid­u­als, I par­tic­i­pat­ed in the employ­ee selec­tion and onboard­ing process, I facil­i­tat­ed the knowl­edge tran­si­tion and also helped the new join­ers’ integration.
EPAM, work­ing for a Swiss glob­al finan­cial ser­vices company
Project role Test Man­ag­er, Busi­ness Analy­sis Lead, Scrum Master
Dura­tion April 2014 — July 2015
Par­tic­i­pa­tion First I was respon­si­ble for lead­ing the business/test analy­sis stream with­in a team. I was analysing busi­ness process­es, doc­u­ment­ing the results of my analy­sis, cre­at­ing and exe­cut­ing test cas­es, cap­tur­ing out­come. I was also act­ing as a Scrum Mas­ter. Lat­er I worked as a test man­ag­er for two teams. I organ­ised the work of the teams, cre­at­ed reports for man­age­ment, par­tic­i­pat­ed in meet­ings, work­shops, and coor­di­nat­ed the test­ing activ­i­ties across Busi­ness and IT.
EPAM, work­ing for a Swiss glob­al finan­cial ser­vices company
Project role Onshore Ana­lyst
Dura­tion March 2012 — April 2014
Par­tic­i­pa­tion I worked on a mul­ti-year, mul­ti-loca­tion pro­gramme as an onshore ana­lyst. I cre­at­ed the tech­ni­cal prod­uct back­log and led the esti­ma­tion process of the pro­gramme lev­el epics to under­stand the size of the pro­gramme and the sep­a­rate mile­stones. I was respon­si­ble for cre­at­ing and main­tain­ing the pro­gramme roadmap too. I defined com­mon tech­niques, best prac­tices, stan­dard process­es for all Scrum teams (5 teams in Kiev, 3 teams in Budapest, 1 team in Zurich, 1 team in Lon­don, 1 team in Jer­sey City). I also man­aged the pro­gramme lev­el port­fo­lio and the team lev­el back­logs in Ral­ly. I gained expe­ri­ence in the full FX trade life cycle, includ­ing con­fir­ma­tion, match­ing, and set­tle­ment process. My main focus was on the set­tle­ment part: account to account set­tle­ment (book trans­fer), and exter­nal pay­ment (gross set­tle­ment). I par­tic­i­pat­ed in and coor­di­nat­ed front to back test­ing activ­i­ties from trade entry to account­ing. I also worked on mon­i­tor­ing and risk mit­i­ga­tion areas of the pro­gramme. I worked direct­ly with 4 Scrum teams and 5 busi­ness ana­lysts in the same time.
EPAM, work­ing on a pilot project
Project role Prod­uct Own­er, Busi­ness Analyst
Dura­tion Jan­u­ary 2012 — March 2012
Par­tic­i­pa­tion As a prepa­ra­tion for the upcom­ing assign­ment, to build a Scrum team and to prac­tice the tech­nol­o­gy stack, I worked on a pilot project. Our Scrum team start­ed the devel­op­ment from scratch. I was respon­si­ble for cre­at­ing user sto­ries as a busi­ness ana­lyst, and also to act as a prod­uct own­er. I wrote the user sto­ries accord­ing to behav­ior-dri­ven devel­op­ment prin­ci­ples, and I sup­port­ed the project by cre­at­ing a func­tion­al wire­frame and cre­ative designs.
EPAM, work­ing for an online hotel book­ing company
Project role Tech­ni­cal Prod­uct Manager
Dura­tion Feb­ru­ary 2011 — Decem­ber 2011
Par­tic­i­pa­tion I worked as a tech­ni­cal Prod­uct man­ag­er with two Scrum teams. I cre­at­ed and main­tained user sto­ries, answered ques­tions from the Scrum teams, sched­uled and fore­cast­ed deliv­ery of fea­tures. I was a focal point for mul­ti­ple 3rd par­ty com­pa­nies on behalf of the client.
EPAM, work­ing for a tal­ent man­age­ment IT company
Project role Func­tion­al Architect
Dura­tion March 2010 — Decem­ber 2010
Par­tic­i­pa­tion I worked as a func­tion­al archi­tect with co-locat­ed devel­op­ers and testers, and also with onshore func­tion­al and tech­ni­cal archi­tects and oth­er stake­hold­ers. I sup­port­ed the off­shore Scrum teams; par­tic­i­pat­ed in analy­sis, design, doc­u­men­ta­tion, plan­ning; acces­si­bil­i­ty analy­sis accord­ing to Sec­tion 508. I was a focal point for 3rd par­ty sys­tems’ inte­gra­tion on behalf of the client.
Shell, work­ing on the GSAP Loy­al­ty project for 11 Euro­pean countries
Project role Busi­ness Analyst
Dura­tion June 2008 — March 2010
Par­tic­i­pa­tion I worked as a busi­ness ana­lyst on an inter­na­tion­al project. The glob­al SAP migra­tion and inte­gra­tion was done from coun­try to coun­try, includ­ing DACH region, Nether­lands, Italy, Turkey, Bul­gar­ia, Czech Repub­lic, Hun­gary, Poland, and Slo­va­kia. My respon­si­bil­i­ty was to han­dle each country’s indi­vid­ual project from the start­ing with the require­ment elic­i­ta­tion, doc­u­men­ta­tion, man­age­ment; con­tin­u­ing with sup­port­ing the devel­op­ment and test­ing; until the deploy­ment and the sta­bi­liza­tion. My main tasks were intro­duc­ing a glob­al SAP solu­tion to replace the coun­try spe­cif­ic account­ing sys­tems; col­lect­ing and doc­u­ment­ing the as-is and to-be sce­nar­ios for the busi­ness process­es; invent­ing the to-be sce­nario for the IT processes.
IBM, work­ing in the GLS sup­port team for EMEA countries
Project role 2nd lev­el sup­port, consultant
Dura­tion August 2007 — April 2008
Par­tic­i­pa­tion I worked as a process ana­lyst in a mul­ti-locat­ed 2nd lev­el sup­port team. I was respon­si­ble for inves­ti­ga­tions, inci­dent man­age­ment, resolv­ing or esca­lat­ing the issues relat­ed to an order man­age­ment sys­tem in the logis­tics area. I also par­tic­i­pat­ed in mul­ti­ple projects as a consultant.